Wednesday, August 10, 2011

How Much is it?

Tell 'em they're dreaming!
Anyone else love The Castle?

We love the Castle, my husband knows it word for word, and the dialogue is bantered bakward and forward often! One day we would like to have our own pool room, and our caravan at the bay is our own unofficial Bonnydoon, (thankfully we dont sing the song the whole way there!)

The point of this post, however, is this...
After 12 mths of Hannah Banannas
we recently passed 100 madeit sales and I think its a milestone worth remembering and celebrating!
My first dress sold was a Tea Party Princess Dress
and I have sold many since then and created so many more outfits!
So thank you for all the support and the positive feedback,
thankyou for making my day job fun!
.. and No your Not dreamin'
1 custom spot could be yours for $5.00
tomorrow night at 9.00pm EST

1 comment:

  1. Awesome! Congratulations on 100 madeit sales Lee-Anne! ~ Christine xx
